The Maze Runner : Scorch Trials

MV5BMjE3MDU2NzQyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzQxMDQ3NTE@._V1_SX214_AL_Going in the original Maze Runner I had low expectations, but the movie surprised me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So when the sequel came out I had to watch it, but the only thing I was concerned about was the avenue with which they were going to take the story. were they going to re-use the maze story again, what were they going to do to make this sequel any good.

But once again Wes Ball the director of the movie proved me wrong. This movie was just as good as the first and kept you interested start to finish. This is probably one of the better trilogies I’ve sat through in the past years.

It is the continuing story of the gladers and now in a desolate landscape face a series of obstacles. Yes seems unappealing but it’s action packed, just like the first and kind of reminds me a bit of World War Z in some elements. Although these films haven’t made me want to read the books they’ve made me anticipate the third movie eagerly.

4 out of 5 stars

When Shock, Rocked The City Of Cleveland.

51gXIfPSBjL._SY300_Knowing a bit about this Cleveland story of Michelle Knight after it hit the airwaves on television in 2013-2014 I was intrigued to finally sit down and watch this movie. Tarryn Manning was an unusual choice for me to take the lead actress in this telemovie, but she played the part so well.

If you don’t know what this story is about, it follows the true story of Michelle Knight, who was abducted by Cleveland bus driver Ariel Castro. She was held captive for over 10years in his house. She was joined over the years by two more female abductees. Michelle seen vulnerable at times is also the strength for these women held captive. You only see the brink of what torture these girls must of endured.

KVisdI must say after watching this movie I was left in absolute shock that this could have happened and how anyone could of survived those circumstances without going into a whirlwind of depression. This movie is very powerful and after I had seen it I just said “wow”. This film has left me to want to read Michelle Knights book, and this story should be shared for these women symbolize strength and hope.

A must watch…

4.5 out of 5 stars

Don’t Rush To See The Sicario

MOA01_SICARIO_TransitShelter-2You hear the title Sicario, which in Mexican means Hitman, and you think to yourself this movie is going to be a action packed thrill ride. You watch the trailer and you think this movie looks good, but the issue with this movie is all the best parts are in the trailer.

359465_062I’m not, nor have I ever been a fan of Emily Blunt as an actress. Sorry Emily but every film you have ever been in has been rubbish and your last effort on 5 year engagement, I mean you wasted everyone’s time making that. And this movie isn’t a major disappointment but does get close.

The thing that saves this movie is Emily Blunt who seems like the focus character in this movie, actually isn’t. And when you finally start following the Sicario, it’s actually not that bad. The start of this movie requires a lot of concentration to figure whats going on, because nothing is really happening you start to lose focus on the story line.


This movie reminds me a lot of Zero Dark Thirty which was utter crap, but this movie probably isn’t as bad as that. If you are looking for constant action you wont get it. But you will get a interesting story when you follow the Sicario. So in closing all I have to say is enjoy the trailer….

2 out of 5 stars

Revenge Comes In The Form Of John Wick

John_Wick_TeaserPosterThe first film in a trilogy, John Wick tells the story of a former hit man who after losing his wife, ends up being just a lonely lost soul til he receives a package at this front door of a pet dog given to him from his late wife. As story goes, John crosses path’s with the son of his former boss, who takes his life and kills his dog.

With nothing left John sets out on a journey of assassination, killing anyone that has to do with his former boss and his son. This movie is basically a 1hr 40min action packed no holds bar killing spree. If you like an old fashion action movie with not much of a story line and just pure action this movie is for you.

I’m not a massive fan of Keanu Reeves or his movies, but I watched this liking the action but dreading it’s lack of a real story. This is the first installment, and I would hate to see the avenue they could possibly create with this basic story. He doesn’t have anything left to take or for him to seek revenge on, so the second film has me more curious then anything.

2.5 out of 5 stars

The Final Hours On Earth….

These_Final_HoursI’m not a big fan of Australian film, and the last good one I saw was probably Once Were Warriors, which funny enough is a new zealand movie anyway. But this film was recommended to me so I felt compelled to watch it.

The movie follows Jimmy, who leaves his mistress to go back and see his girlfriend who is at a party. The catch is there Earth is about the end in 12hours and the last point of destruction is Perth, Australia. Being from Perth it was good to see so many of our monuments and suburban life being captured on film.

These_Final_Hours (1)On the way through suburban Perth, Jimmy comes across a little girl by the name of Rose who he manages to save from the clutches of a group of pedophiles. He now embarks on a journey not only to get back to his girlfriend but get this little girl Rose back to her dad.
960This movie mainly evolves around the bond that is developed between Jimmy and Rose. And a heartfelt story of father and daughter bonding develops between the too. This movie contains a few scenes of high graphic violence, drug use and nudity.

For a Australian film it isn’t bad, and it doesn’t drag on so it feels quite short in length. For those who live in Perth, its definitely worth checking out, and for those who don’t live here, it might be worth checking out if your looking for a holiday destination, though under the circumstances of this story line it doesn’t make it look like a very viable place to visit.

3 out of 5 stars

Nick And Isabel Make Wishes Come True

Before sitting down and watching this movie I was under the impression this would be another teen love/fatale type movie where one side of this love duo would turn into an obsessive psycho path.
 The movie follow Doug, who moves into a new area and a few days later, moving in right next door is the beautiful Lena played by he stunning Isabel Lucas. Lena is in an abusive marriage and one she wishes to get out of and whilst her husband is away the cat will play, and herself and Doug develop a romance.
 At this point I thought same old teen thriller. But if that’s what your expecting the movie will probably tick all those boxes. I think when watching this movie you have to go into with no expectations because it’s the end of the movie that puts all the pieces of the puzzle together and will pleasantly surprise you. The twist is similar to my favorite movie Saw where clues are unknowingly left for you throughout the movie.

Although Nick and Isabel’s acting wasn’t A+, the well written script makes up for it all. Definetly worth watching and a very surprisingly good movie.

4 out of 5 stars

Interview With A Jong-un

sony-officially-scraps-the-interviewThis film when released caused a wave of controversy and was only played in select cinemas around the world. It centres around Dave Skylark and Aaron Rapoport who are played by Seth and Dave. And they host there own tabloid show called Skylark Tonight. They need an idea, an idea that’ll set off the spotlight onto there show and bring them in the ratings.

This is where the movie turns a bit stupid. They somehow managed to contact the manager of Kim Jong-un the dictator of North Korea and set up an exclusive interview with him. I have to say this movie is really stupid, like actually stupid, but at the same time is has comical moments. At no time is the storyline of this film at all believable and for me it feels like James and Seth had some money to blow on a stupid idea so they made this movie.

Lizzy Caplan in my eyes is the major lime light holder in this movie as she shines with her beauty. And Randall Park who you might know from the hit tv show Fresh Off The Boat, stars as Kim, and puts that weird quirky feel he has into the character. Kim Jong-un who is known as a vile dictator in real life just gets made fun of and the piss taken out of him in this movie, and you can see where the controversy was born over this film.

Look its an average movie at best, but does have some funny parts to it. If your a fan of Franco and Rogen’s humor then you might enjoy it.

1.5 out of 5 stars